Did you know that not every gift you receive is genuine? Do not open all tips that come your way in open arms. First, make sure you understand the sender, the intentions of the sender, and the state of the gift. So many people have put their lives in danger after receiving tips from anonymous people.

You have to put your desires and needs aside when receiving gifts. Consider what your consent tells you before you accept and open them. Make sure there is a witness to attest that the item was sent to you by an unknown person. Read on to find out How to Politely Decline a Gift.
Be Polite
Are you here wondering How to Politely Decline a Gift? Make sure that you do not show how you feel about the gift. Be polite and appreciate the present. Let the person know that you do not need that gift and that they should take it back. Many people love gifts, but you should know that some are there to destroy your life.
Even if the person insists on leaving the gift to you, tell them it is not your favorite, or you have a similar one. This way, the present will be taken back, and it will be the best way to save your life. Most enemies try to be sweet to administer an act of revenge indirectly.
Send Someone else to Return the Gift
Make sure that you handle the gift with care before returning it. Do not open it as long as you know who sent it to you. If you know the person is stubborn, you do not have to return it by yourself. Instead, look for a trustworthy friend who is brave enough to take back the gift successfully.
This is How to Politely Decline a Gift from your friend whom you recently broke up. Sending a friend will help you avoid the drama and chances of you falling in the trap again. There will be no chance to abuse or fight since you will be absent. People who refuse to move on with life after a breakup are not trustworthy.
They can set you a trap, to allow room for revenge to take place. Therefore, you need to be alert when dealing with gifts. Let the person know that you are okay without the presents.
Be Straightforward
This is the best way to learn How to Politely Decline a Gift. Do not sugarcoat the situation; instead, go directly to the point that the gift is not appropriate. Some competitors may want to put you down, especially if you do better than them. If they become aggressive or threatening please do not hesitate to seek legal help. You can find help at firms such as goldberglaw.com.
Be aware that the gifts can either put you in trouble with the law or poison your life to death. Be vigilant as you handle such cases since most people have fallen in this trap. You may end up in prison, or they lose life mysteriously.
To avoid such scenarios, make sure that you speak out to a trustworthy friend about this issue. So, in case you get in trouble, you will have a witness to attest to your innocence. Tell the competitor that you cannot accept the gift since you have unsolved differences.
Use Evidence
Some organizations have strict rules concerning gifts. No one should offer presents except on special occasions such as Christmas. Will you compromise your job for the sake of a gift? You will learn How to Politely Decline a Gift at your workplace.
Make sure that you have a copy of that rule to save yourself from trouble. Show it to the person offering the gift, and if they insist, you have no option but to report the matter. You have no idea what the intention of the award was.
This person may be eyeing your position. When you accept the gift, it will be clear evidence that can get a job loss or demotion.
You have a Similar Item
It is an excellent tactic on How to Politely Decline a Gift from someone you do not trust. You must not have that similar item to say no. Therefore, make sure that the person does not notice you just lied. An excellent example of that statement is “whoa! It looks exactly like the dress I wore yesterday; I wish it were different. Thank you so much, but I cannot keep it.”
The gift-giver will not need any other explanation since you cannot keep two similar dresses. The person will not notice that it was your tactic to avoid the gift. You, on the other hand, will not be left feeling guilty over the issue since you reacted positively.

You are Married
Some suitors ignore the fact that you have a ring on the finger. They insist on giving you gifts and taking you out to court you. Others want to destroy your relationship to prove that marriage is not good.
Therefore, when you get married, be sure that trouble has just begun. Make sure that you remain faithful to your partner despite the challenges you come along. You have to learn How to Politely Decline a Gift any time you come across them.
If you say no and the person insists, you need to go straight to the point that you are married. Also, state you cannot accept gifts from other suitors except the one you are married or engaged to. You will have to stay by your principles to avoid temptations since some presents are beautiful and irresistible.
This is another fantastic idea on How to Politely Decline a Gift. Who argues in cases of a medical problem? I am sure nobody can dare force you to eat something you are allergic to. If you do not get well with someone, it is hard to trust their gifts no matter how sincere it may look.
Be very cautious and control your feelings, especially when it comes to foods and drinks. Some poisons have no scent or color. So, when foods and beverages are contaminated, it is challenging to determine.
Even if you are starving or you love the kind of food and drink in the gift box, you will have to control yourself. You can overcome this by saying, “thank you for the concern, but I am allergic to this drink or food.”
Do not add other explanations to avoid setting yourself up. Most people lose their lives so quickly if they do not control their emotions and feelings. If you do trust someone, make sure you avoid gifts and services from them altogether.
You do not take processed food
Note that it is just a way of saying no respectfully. You do not have to reveal all your truth so that people can understand you. Learn to be reserved, especially to strangers, and those people you do not get along too well.
You will be able to create a hard time when they plan to put you down. However, you will have to learn How to Politely Decline a Gift they offer you. In case they offer you processed food, you will politely tell them you do not take due to health reasons. Your diet must be specially made at home.
It is not your Type
Telling someone, this is not my type is rude. So, you will have to frame your statement to look genuine. If someone offers you a car as a gift and you feel it is not appropriate, you will have to be creative. Maybe the car is far beyond your financial position; therefore, it will create suspicion among your friends and colleagues.
To avoid all this attention and embarrassment, you will have to learn How to Politely Decline a Gift. The gift-giver may also be someone senior at your workplace; therefore, it will be unethical to receive such a gift.
You will have to tell the giver the car is not your type and that you are okay with the kind of car you currently own. Insist that you also love simple vehicles with a different design and color. Additionally, remind the person that, according to the organizations, policies no worker should receive gifts if there is no occasion to support it.
Remain firm to your explanations to avoid falling into temptations. You will save your job position and reputation at work if you decline such an inappropriate gift.

Conclusion How to Politely Decline a Gift
I believe all the above ways to decline a gift will help you. It is not always okay to rejoice when someone gifts you. Make sure you think beyond the beauty, quality, and the need that you have for that gift. Remember that not all that glitters is gold.
Also, when the deal is too good, think twice. I advise that you do not pick gifts from strangers or in places you feel insecure. Do the best you can to avoid getting trapped by your enemies in the name of gifts.
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